
Z|ART Agency

Z|ART Agency is a Berlin-based national promoter, focusing on supplying talent with what they need in order to get to the next level.

Whether working with developing or established artists, we provide professional, experienced service and consulting. Integrating innovative marketing and promotion concepts for live entertainment and seeing it all manifest itself is our passion. Working with artists and their teams, we help to realize dreams while keeping the bottom line solid, which drives our attention to detail, speed and organization in creating live experiences.

When producing & promoting events, shows and tours, our priority is to save the artist and their team time and maximize their return.

We want everybody to have fun, not headaches.
Art is art. Business is business. We know both.

Your Z|ART team

Mutual esteem and respect for others have been part of Z|ART Agency’s self-image from the very beginning. Concerts and events organised and/or realised by Z|ART Agency are incompatible with nationalism, racism, sexism, discrimination and intolerance in any form. Verbal expressions and behaviour that display such ideas, whether active or passive, as well as signs, symbols, codes, brands and media that convey such ideas are not tolerated and are accompanied by the automatic loss of the householder’s rights to our shows. We would be very grateful if you would report any offences, that we may not have noticed, to the local security or send us an e-mail with relevant information to awareness@zart-agency.com. 


