
Niko B

"Niko B is a phenomenon, an internet sensation who is turning his unique, fun-loving, and completely independent approach into a Top 40 success.“ Clash Magazine


Playing around in creative media classes in school, Niko B would download Chief Keef instrumentals while writing his own lyrics to them. At first it was playful and then he struck gold with ‘Mary Berry’, the first song he’d released. While his style derives from rap, Niko draws inspiration from a myriad of genres and sounds and for him, that allows his music to be boundaryless reflecting many artists of his generation. He also directs and styles his own videos, an indication of his vision beyond music. Niko’s a rare breed as a young musician, he looks to his friends as his major inspiration for his writing and artistry. Niko’s languid and conversational flow allows his writing to come across so viscerally but his playful lyricism and ability to not take himself too seriously is what makes him earnest. He stores the ideas and inspirations for his songs in a notepad called ‘random shit to put in a song’, however it’s the everyday life references in his music that makes him relatable to audiences. Niko essentially hopes that other teenagers across the country can see themselves in his music.Going forward, he wants to continue taking a DIY, spontaneous approach to the way he puts out new music. It’s clear that Niko has fun when he’s making music which is what initially drew him to start. It won’t be long before the UK scene recognises why he’s a rising talent.
